Paris: The Final Day (sniff, sniff)

We actually started out Sunday morning with mass at Notre Dame. It was quite beautiful although difficult to follow in French! The voices of the choir were breathtaking. I did...

Paris: Sometimes the Unexpected is the Most Fun!

Stepping back out of Christmas decorating for a day. While I finish everything up, I thought I would share a little more from out trip.Here are some more pictures of...

Paris: One the Coolest Things I Have Seen in a While

I am jumping ahead a little to day three…It was again raining, not a downpour, more of a drizzle. We had enough of the Metro the day before, so we...

Paris: The Flea Markets

Day two was all about hitting the flea markets. There were three I targeted but decided to only do two since we were there for such a short period of...

Paris: Part 1

So I am finally caught up enough to share with you some pictures from my trip last week. There are so many pictures, I will probably do a few postings.To...

Enjoy All of Your Blessings

Wishing you all the Happiest of Thanksgiving! And I no longer have to hide that I have been listening to Christmas music! It is all out in the open now!...

Return From Bliss…

I have returned from my amazing trip with my husband to Paris. It is still surreal to even being saying that. It was an amazing time. Today was one of...

Carpe Diem, Mon Ami

So something you do not know about me is that my husband travels. A lot. He travels in the US, but many of his travels take him to Europe and...

Dream a Little Dream of Me...

Hey, a girl can dream can't she? This sure would be a fun way to go treasure hunting, but probably not the most practical. Could it be more fun and...

Where Have I Been...?

I realize that there are only 45 followers at this point and time but I feel I need to apologize to those of you who are out there. I did...

The Journey

It is funny how some things just fall in place. The other day I was in a meeting and my mind wandered to my blog (I know, bad). Anyway, I...

Gettin' Back To It!

So, I have been away for a bit, not that there are many of you following at this point (thanks to my dear sister for being my first and currently...