First Day of School, Thursday Yard Sale and the Garden's Bounty
So I haven't been back here since January 24th.... I guess I was still trying to figure out if this is something I really wanted to do. I spent the last few days really being inspired by all the incredible blogs that are out there and they gave me the kick in the pants I truly needed. I realize that the blog is far from pretty at this point, I will have to ramp up my education on managing a blog.
Today has already been such a great day it seemed that this would be the best day to start committing to my blog...
First, it was the first day of school for my girls. M is starting 5th grade (ugh) and E is starting 3rd (ugh, ugh).

With them off to school, (sniff, sniff) I read the paper and found that of all things there was a "vintage" yard sale, on a Thursday!!! That never happens. I ventured over and found some great treasures for a great deal. I spoke with the couple for a bit and got her story. Her father was a collector of "everything but the kitchen sink". The rest of her family thinks it is all junk so she is slowly going through it but keeps getting side tracked by memories. They have been hit hard by the economy so they are only down to one car making it difficult to move all the stuff back to their house. I am going to check back in with them on Saturday, but I also gave her my name and number and asked her to call me when she had more stuff in. The best part is she is about 2 miles away! Here some pictures of the items I was able to get this time, all for $26!

There are three great crates, an oval picture frame, two bottles and some porcelain and wood door knobs. Two of the crates are local which I think makes them even more interesting. Maybe this will hold me over since I am unable to go to Brimfield this fall, but I will probably still be tortured that whole weekend knowing I am not there...
The knobs really are a great find.

There was also a street sign from Brooklyn. She only wanted a dollar for it which actually made me feel bad, then I got over it.

After returning from the sale I headed out to garden to gather as much as I could since we are expected to get some rain and the heat is finally suppose to break. Unfortunately, that has not happened yet so I pretty much melted out there. Our garden was greatly neglected this year so I almost feel I don't deserve all that she gave me today. I will accept her gifts and make promises to her for next year that I will hopefully be able to keep.

Tomorrow is an exciting day as well, I am actually going to see a taping of the new Nake Berkus show debuting on CBS later this month. Hopefully his show is successful. I am not sure what the format will be, but hopefully it will be about decorating! I will let you know...