The last few weeks have been so crazy rushed and busy. Now that
my daughter’s play is over, time has opened up some. However, most of the time has been consumed by a Sap Tsunami! The sap didn’t run, didn’t run, and now – it is crazy. I keep having to be in the sugar house to cover things so Dana can go gather the sap in the woods. Even with that, some days the giant tanks are running over.
So, today, I decided to leave all that behind, if even for just a little bit, and do a little spring mantel decorating.

I was looking through some pictures from last fall and I realized how much I missed the chalkboard on the mantel. Over the years I have often felt I had to do something “new” on my mantel. Lately, I have been feeling that I want to do what I love and sometimes that is new and sometimes it is not.
Also, the chalkboard is a very doable (and of my favorite) DIY project. Spring is coming, why not try a new project now that the weather is warming up? It is a great project to get your DIY feet wet. You can follow the
chalkboard DIY tutorial here.

It seemed most fitting to use the simple word
gather on the chalkboard. That is what we do this time of year. We gather the sap. We gather in our home with friends and family. Something about sugaring season opens up our doors more than the rest of the year.

And even though the weather has turned miserably cold again and just like everyone else this time of year, I brought in some fresh flowers to bring on the feeling of spring. It must be coming for real soon. Please tell me it is coming for real soon.

And then I kept it simple, which seems to be my trend these days, and added some white candle holders.

I feel like by not putting too many other things around, the chalkboard can be seen and set the tone. As I sit on the couch looking up at the mantel right now and I quite like it!
Thanks so much for reading!