1. “Though she be but little, she is fierce” – Shakespeare clearly knew what he was speaking of.
2. My girl has more style and grace then even I realized. And she is really funny. All these years later,
I am still learning more and more about her and learning to leave more of it in her hands.
3. Working with 60 something middle school students for the last few months as the costume coordinator was a joy. I guess it was a little easy for me because I always got to be the “good cop". Getting to know these kids a little bit better was a gift – and when some of them left me the final night with heartfelt hugs, I felt very blessed. In the end, the costume is secondary. It is about each kid knowing and believing how amazing they really are. And of course, never forgetting that
We Are All in this Together

4. Never underestimate the abilities and capacity of ninety or so 11, 12, 13 and 14 year olds. The entire production of
The Little Mermaid, Jr. was performed and coordinated by the students. From the lights, to the sound, to the intricate moves of the sets on stage to the actors – it was all them. And as I thankfully learned so long ago,
teenagers are not all evil.
5. Never underestimate the abilities of three talented directors put together for a bigger cause. The main director, music director and technical director on this production are three of the most gracious, kind and capable women you will ever meet. Even being at rehearsals as often as I was, I still do fully comprehend how they put all of the pieces and parts to create such an amazing outcome.

6. Never underestimate the abilities and generosity of community members. From the community members who helped build sets, who showed up each day to corral the students, to running the house crew and concession stand and raffles, to the donations to the show, our community showed up in great form.
7. Never underestimate what a drama program can do if they are supported by the administration and the school board. I am so thankful that our school supports drama programs at all four of our schools. I missed one show this year due to the flu in our house, but I can’t wait to see the final show of the season at the high school.

8. I am so thankful that even though I had spent weeks and weeks at the school, I never saw the whole show and all of its glory until I sat in the audience for the opening night. It was beautiful and joyful. To hear the reaction from the audience, from the laughter at just the right points to the applause, was magical.

9. If you put on a great show, you will sell out the house!
10. I will look back on these days and be SO thankful I got to be part of this with my girl. Seriously, she blew me away. So many people took the time to tell me and her how much they loved her performance. I don’t think we could ask for more than knowing people liked what she did and that she felt proud of her performance.
And that my friends, is a wrap!
If you want some photo tips, you can read
What I Have Learned Photographing My Children on Stage.
Thanks so much for reading.