VintagePorchDecorating_thumb.jpg I love summer. I love when my kids are home. I love even though we work from home that schedules slow, friends hang out and meals are eaten outside. I am finding a new intensity into my to-do list so that by the time my kids get out of school, things will be just a little bit slower. And my favorite place in the summer is our screened porch. It is my little piece of heaven and I pinch myself that we are lucky enough to have this space. When we first decorated out here, I was so excited to find this vintage furniture. But after a few years, I figured something out. There is a reason vintage furniture isn't around anymore. It just isn't that comfortable. I love the look, I love the history, but it doesn't encourage lingering out there. PorchDecoratingIdeas.jpg And, truth be told, I was finding the rainbow of colors to be a bit much. I am feeling the need to simplify just a bit and create more of a space similar to the inside of our home.

 The first place we are starting is by partnering with on this beautiful seating set. Isn't it just so beautiful? Catalina-4-Piece-Seating-Group-in-Wicker-Brown-DPS200210 I actually showed my husband several options, with the true intent of getting his opinion and I was so glad that he picked this one as his favorite. It worked out because it was my favorite too and I had already started planning the whole space in my mind. There would be a simple rug, and navy accents, and cozy blankets for cool nights. There would be little white lights and plants and interesting side tables. And maybe, we would finally build the large farmhouse table we have wood set aside to build with for, well lets just say a really long time. Really, this is the year we are doing this. So, I am hoping you will join me as we rework this space and share our projects along the way. I haven't been this excited for a project in a long time. I am hoping the rain finally stopping today is a trend and we can get to work! Thanks so much for reading! Quickpen-Signature_edited-1