Phew. Clearly, I need a little more coffee. Did you accidentally get this post yesterday? Yeah, I tried to be ahead of the game and all scheduled it for the wrong date. So, to make it up to you, I had some fun additional stuff so that if you did get to read it yesterday, there would be something new!
I am thankful for the weekend for sure this week!
To all you ladies out there, whether you are a momma, grandma, aunt or just the amazing person that you are every single day, I hope this Mother's Day weekend is filled with plenty of caffeine, maybe a nap as well and that you are surrounded by the people you love the most. And for those of you who find this weekend hard for so many reasons, I am so sorry for your pain and I hope you too are surrounded with the people you love the most. And the caffeine. And the naps.
So here is what has entertained and inspired me this week...
Most useful tip ever!
I am pretty sure it is the amazing pictures of beautiful dogs, but I feel like I need
this in my house. Watching the video gives a better sense of the space.
home tour just looks welcoming and where I would want to spend time.
the styling of this home and hoping she will come to my house next.
This office looks adorable and I am smitten with that rug.
This looks really different and delicious.
Wishing I had been clever enough to
make this on Cinco de Mayo.
You must watch
this video, but keep your eye on the lady in purple. She is my spirit animal.
Speaking of videos - THANK YOU to everyone who watched the video I asked you to watch last week. Drum roll, he got an...
Oh, and speaking of videos one more time - I would love if you had a chance to watch
my video with Wayfair sharing our home and our style!
Have a great weekend friends!