Hello and happy Saturday!
Our day is filled with track meets, laundry piles and lots of prep for the week ahead. We are doing a product photo shoot on Tuesday and my "shot list" is probably a bit optimistic. I figure if I am bringing in a photographer, I need to make the most of it. We are doing a "location shoot" in the woods which she be challenging, sweaty and fun. You can follow along on Instagram -
Here is what I found interesting this week around the web...
First, this is the
greatest kids' room in the history of kids' rooms. I am not even kidding. Also, I have met Grace several times and she is stunning and kind. She is the kind of girl that turn this room into an outfit and win best dressed. Really.
beautiful outdoor space.
I love this perfect use of a
repurposed piece of furniture.
I will always love embroidery, but I love it even more when
it is summery and MINI!
And speaking of mini, clearly my
banana loafs now need to be mini.
This seems like it would be delicious and healthy. Go figure.
I have always wanted a pea gravel area in our yard somewhere, and
these tips are super helpful.
Have a great day!