Halloween Findings, A Shop Update & A Great Gift Idea
It has been a while, so I thought I would stop in today with a findings post where I share all the random things I have been thinking about or have found on the web lately. To start with, if anyone tried to place an order in our shop in the last week or so and you were unable, I am so sorry. We had some technical difficulties due to a change on our site and I am pretty sure we have all the kinks out now! And speaking of shopping, I have the best gift idea for you (or you could get it for yourself) and it comes with a discount code!
This beautiful cuff is made by my friend Becky of Farmgirl Paints. I found Becky many years ago and something about her just touched my heart and I have been an avid follower since. I have lost count of how many cuffs I own and I have given to people that I love. The one above is my latest and it just makes me giddy. The beauty of Becky's cuff is that you pick the style of the cuff, then you pick which metal blank you want (color and shape) and then you pick your words. There are so many infinite ways to customize these and I wear them ALL the time. There is just once catch. She is only open a few times a year and this is her last opening for this year. So, get a jump on your holiday shopping and use the code finding15 to get 15% off your order! But hurry, she closes on Sunday October 16th!
So now that we are done talking about Christmas shopping, how about we talk about Halloween. I am loving all of the pretty Halloween decorating I have been seeing this year. I can't deny, I will not likely get any done this year. Our focus is on a certain young lady who is turning 16 on Halloween weekend and her theme is not orange and black! But that doesn't mean I can enjoy some other fun Halloween decorating ideas... How beautiful is this front porch from my friend KariAnne?
How fun is a Halloween Hot Chocolate Bar? Who knew spiders could be so fun? And you can't talk about Halloween decorating without highlighting the master, in my opinion - Brooklyn Limestone But if you really want to set the elegant meter high for Halloween decorating, you have to visit this table setting. I too have dabbled in some Halloween decorating in years past, starting with the paper medallions above. My favorite all time Halloween decorating would have to be my Elegant Spooky Table. However, I did have a lot of fun putting together this printable last year.
Thanks so much for stopping by and happy haunting!