Gilded And Filled Lamp

What? Again with a Christmas post in August?
I know.
But this time it was a contest that I just couldn’t pass up.
Lamps Plus and Hometalk asked some bloggers to take this lamp
and create a project that is themed for the December holidays.
My first thought was painting all of the silver parts gold.
I used Krylon 14k gold paint. The lamp was really easy to pull apart and paint all of the metal parts.

Then I also decided to paint the inside of the shade with the same gold paint. I tape the outside of the shade with painters tape leaving a strip open to paint on the outside.

When I pulled all the tape off I felt the line was a little smaller than I would have liked (and maybe, just maybe the paint line wasn’t perfect!) so I decided to add another layer with gold tape. I love how the two tones play off of each other.
I wanted to keep the inside simple so I used glue dots to attach two reindeer on the inside and a little bit of loose snow. It gives it a snow globe look and can easily be changed for another look.

I love how it came out and it brings a Christmas element that can be carried all the way through winter as well.

Thank you so much to Lamps Plus and Hometalk for the opportunity to compete in this contest and for sending me the lamp. There will be three winners and there is even a chance to be featured in their Holiday catalog.
Fingers crossed!
Thanks so much for reading and have a great day.