Birthday Week Begins
And so begins the yearly big birthday week at our home.
Really, I meant it.
1st – Brother-in-law
2nd – Peanut and Sister-in-law (and my dear friend’s daughter and my trainer)
3rd – Step-dad
4th – Hubby
7th – sister
12th – Father-in-law
Here in NY, the week starts with Peanut.

She get’s pretty pumped about her birthday.
This year, we kept it pretty simple for the actual birthday and we will have a friend party at the end of the summer. And yes, that is pie dough on my nose.

She picked her favorites for dinner – Chicken Cutlet, Fruit Salad and Potato Salad. I am pretty sure it sounds really "New York" to say we are having "chicken cutlet". Am I right?
We hung out in the new screened porch and had family time.
But things also got a little silly.
Oh, this girl is something.
Such a great mix of so incredibly sweet and thoughtful and such a kook as well. And yes, Grandma fell in to the kook category as well.
And there were presents from family here and family far away.
And for the first time, an auction made its way into the birthday mix. Peanut has been “holding on” to my Snoopy for a while now, it helps her sleep. A few weeks ago, a Snoopy about the same vintage (I am talking about the late 70's here in case you are wondering!) as mine came up, and went home with me. After a spin in the washing machine (inside a pillow case), he is as good as new – actually in even better shape than mine.

Oh, and my girl loves pie. Any kind of pie, but especially cherry pie. I am not much of a baker, but I must say that making a cherry pie is pretty darn easy. So, the cake is for everyone else, but my girl has her eye on pie.

It was a great day.
A great evening.
I can not even believe that my baby is 9!
It is that never ending juggling act.
Trying to hold on to the the little girl but so enjoying getting to know the big girl she is becoming.
I am a very lucky Mom. God blessed me so great with this girl.
Thanks for reading!