
**Before I share about organizing, I am honored to be included in Joss & Main's Blogger's Best event that features the top-selling looks from their 2014 curators. Today is the last day of the sale so be sure to stop by!**

It is that time of year. Holiday decorations are put away. We are looking to get back into our workout routines (ouch, the scale was not kind this morning!) and eating better. And, we want to start all things organizing! We start to want pretty spaces, even behind closed doors. Last year, I found myself feeling very overwhelmed with all of the post written out there about how to get organized in....fill in the blank. I decided trying to do it all at once just wasn't going to work for me. I decided to share my ideas for organizing, without getting overwhelmed. Truthfully, I just went back and re-read that post to remind myself. And, I went through and updated what has been done. The workout room was purged, but not really set up better. Actually, some of the piles were just moved and still need to be sorted through. The bathroom cabinets were done, but it needs to happen again. The kids craft and toys have not been touched, but they just have not been on my radar. The attic, I haven't really seriously considered that yet. That one is just too overwhelming at this point. It will happen at some point. Maybe 2015, maybe not. The garage - well that was beyond huge and I can not tell you how happy I am to have it done. I was completely overwhelmed at the prospect of this and it also tied right into the basement purge. It was so worthwhile I think I want to do another round of purging. So, while I contemplate what my new list is going to be, I thought it would be worthwhile to look back on what I have done for organizing and cleaning and what is still working.

Tips for Organizing a Small Linen Closet - if it is a small space, use it to its best possibilities. This one is still in pretty good shape, but it could use a little sprucing up. TipsforOrganizingaSmallLinenCloset_thumb.png Get all of those muddy boots and shoes off of the floor and make your own DIY Vintage Crate Boot Rack - still going strong! We use this everyday through all of the seasons. DIYVintageCrateBootRackTutorial_thumb.png 8 Tips for Organizing Craft Supplies - This one needs a little upkeep every few weeks when I get rushed on a project, but for the most part has worked out really well. Even when I don't get stuff put away right away, it is really easy to get caught back up because everything has a place and it is clearly labeled.

 After I shared that post, I had a lot of requests for the specifics of how I broke down the supplies, so I shared my tips for sorting and organizing craft supplies. I think I have changed one or two, but for the most part, these have all stayed the same. CraftRoomOrganizing_thumb.jpg And, finally, one more popular post was how I figured out the easiest way to clean glass on our vintage door desks. I haven't had to do a "major" glass clean for a while but I still use this spray bottle for glass projects.

 So, that is where I am at in a nutshell. Next to my computer I have started a list of what needs to be worked on next. It is a mix of "I can't wait to get at that" and "Oh Vey". I am very thankful to be in much better shape this year than I was last year at this time and I think it is because of the way I approached it last year. One project at a time with reasonable time frames. Maybe I will even tackle that attic after all! But don't hold me to it! Quickpen-Signature_edited-1

January 05, 2015 — Brad Mills