Upholstering Chairs with Oilcloth & a Giveaway!
Have you ever added a new color or detail to your home and then feel like you can’t have enough of it? It started with the rug in our office and then my addiction to Sharpie Art kept bringing in more (warning- more is coming!). Black and white – and now I am sharing about upholstering chairs with oilcloth – black and white oilcloth to be specific. Actually, black and white oilcloth in the yummiest picnic check I ever did see. And the added bonus? When I spill my kids spill – it an easy peasy clean up. If you are not familiar with oilcloth, it has a coating that is almost like a plastic so it acts like thick fabric, but it is real easy to clean up. So lets get right to how to do it. My chair cushions are 18 x 20 and almost 2” thick. I cut my fabric to 26” x 28” to allow plenty of room for stapling it to the base. And in case you are wondering, this is me here – so no, I did not sew this project. I am much more comfortable with a staple gun. Center your cushion with the fabric facing down and make sure the pattern is straight.I staples three staples on each of the straight sides which were the front and back of my cushions. This can be done with one person – but seems to work better with two. One to pull the fabric really tight and one to run the staple gun. For the angled sides, we pulled in sections and then folded over underneath as needed to keep it tight. We kept going in each direction heading towards the corners and keeping it tight. Then we pulled the corners in and stapled them down. I would recommend a staple ever inch or two. We used 1/2’ staples and they worked really well. Nothing fancy – but this is what the bottom looked like when it was finished. It took us about 45 minutes to complete six chairs - with each one getting a little quicker. Then we simply screwed them back onto the chair frames. Actually, I sat on the chair to hold it in place and hubby screwed them in from underneath. I honestly and truthfully could not love them more. How cute is that pattern and I love the black and white. My girls keep telling me how much they like them too and that they are comfortable. I know I have said this before, but just like when you give a mouse a cookie… When you give a blogger some oilcloth – she may do a whole table setting and come up with a few fun projects. Stay tuned for those coming over the next week or so…but, even better…. If you would like to try your hand at oilcloth – I have some fun news for you… First, are you at all familiar with Modern June? I have long been a fan and had the opportunity to meet her last year at The Country Living Fair. Her beautiful buntings were hung all over the fair and also grace my porch. Not only can you buy oilcloth and laminated cottons through her shop, but she now has another book coming out with lots of adorable projects for your home. Look at some of the adorable projects she shares in the book..
And Kelly is graciously giving away a small bundle of chalk cloth and a copy of her book to one lucky winner.
This giveaway is now closed!
Just leave a comment below telling me what you would make with some oilcloth and I will pick a winner at random! Giveaway ends April 17th at midnight. And if you would like to see what other projects and giveaways were shared, you can visit these locations.