I am quite sure I have mentioned it many times before, but just in case you missed it, I love blogging. Really and truly I do. I LOVE this blog and the journey it has taken me over the last 6 years. My original tag line was "the stories of the journey we are all on". Oh my, it has been a journey.
Lately, the journey has kept me away from my beloved blog. If only the posts that I write in my head while driving from place to place would automatically post. Actually, that is probably for the best because most of that should never be published.

The reality is that a lot of the work we have been doing over the last three years on the product side of the business is really starting to come together. We are seeing several things in the works, that if they come together, will be so great for our little company. Everyday, I have plans to be here, but then one thing after another comes up and it take priority.
And then there is that thing called family. And our girls. Time is going so fast. We went on college visits last week.
And then there is all that is going on in the world and it is hard to find the words and know what is appropriate.
I think you can understand where I am at.

I am here to say that I really am trying to figure out how to blog more but the truth is, I haven't really figure it out yet. This is my official claim of "I can't do it all". There is so much on the horizon that I can't wait to share with you. I know I should really be more of a "share as you go along" person, but somehow that doesn't work for me. Maybe I don't want to jinx things. What I will say is that if everything comes together as we are working towards, we are going to have some really fabulous products to share with you very soon. Seriously, I am so excited.

Here are a few quick highlights that I am hoping to share more on:
- We attended our first trade show as an exhibitor, the Fancy Food Show and it went really well and we learned so much.
- We are attending NY NOW as an exhibitor and we are so excited and terrified about that.
- We have a full team here. We have Karen who helps out with pretty much everything two afternoons a week and Chelle who is a long time friend who is helping with product development, sales and emotional support to me! I can't wait to share more about both of them.
- Oh, and somehow my Dad has become our best sale guy. I didn't see that one coming.
- We are living in our back porch with its makeover. Seriously, we love it out there. I even worked one day out there and got so much done.
- We have a photographer coming next week to shoot our house inside and out for Cottages & Bungalows magazine. Much work to be done around here!
I would love to say you will see more of me, but I don't want to make promises I can't keep. I will say I will try harder. Don't be surprised if you see it in bursts and then silence. Bursts and then silence. I am just keeping it real. I will say I have kind of fallen in love with Snapchat. You can find me at FindingHomeFarms. It is quick and easy and it doesn't have to be "perfect". I also tend to share more of the business side of things, soooo, come on over and join me there.
And of course, you will also find me, pretty much daily on Instagram. Finding Home Farms there as well.
Thanks so much for reading and letting me share. Wishing you a fantastic weekend friends.