Of all the questions I get on the blog, one happens again and again. And each time, I respond and let the reader know that I don't have a good answer for them. What's the question? What color paint did we use on our house, shutters and front door?

I am sorry to disappoint you, but our home is actually vinyl siding. And the shutters are vinyl (and falling off in some places!).

I do have some good news for you though. I can answer the color of our front door. It is black. Yup, just exterior paint in the very descriptive color of black. And I do have one more piece of information that is helpful. When we painted our sugar house and garage, we painted it to match. That is also what we used on the floor of the porch. Actually we used opaque stain instead of paint. The color we used is Benjamin Moore HC 77 - Alexandria Beige.
Our shutters are a charcoal gray, but I am hoping to either paint them or replace them at some point with black shutters.

Hopefully that answers all of your questions, but if not, just let me know!