In the years I have been blogging about decorating my home and DIY projects, I have sometimes gotten comments from people about how my house looks and that it is pulled together. I try to explain, well you should see... and fill it with the current space / room in my house that is a total mess. Then I also explain that it is my job for my house to decorated and for me to be changing and moving things around often. So what happens when the decorating blogger's home is not decorated? What happens when my house looks nothing like these pictures, my floors are filled with doggy footprints and there is still a real, yet dead, evergreen tree on my dining room table since Christmas?

What I am learning is that life happens. For the past few months our schedules have been FULL. This is my last go at working on the costumes for the middle school play with my daughters, sugaring season has been in full swing, I have been working endless hours on product development and then there is soccer, life, family time, etc.

And so, there are no pretty little spots. My "vignettes" are empty table tops. All of the creative endeavors I have been working on have left me empty on ideas or the time to come with new ones. The greatest lesson I have learned is that I miss it. I miss enjoying the space we are in. I miss taking the time to make our home more welcoming for our friends and family to join us here. Things are flat and boring and they need some love. You know that crazy commercial where they show a car looking like a giant dog? The whole idea is that we go "nose blind" to smells in our spaces that other people will notice. I think I have gone "decorating blind". I just haven't been paying attention. It is affecting my mood, my ability to relax and enjoy our home. Now, this is not to say that I am going to go out and spend a whole bunch of money on new things. I am mostly going to take the time to fall in love with my house again. Make taking care of our home a priority. I am going to look at things with a new set of eyes. Of course, those eyes probably won't be available until next week as the play is this week and sugaring is likely in its last week and we have lots of family coming in to see the play. But I love that I am excited about getting back to it. How about you? Have you been going "decorating blind" to your home and you are ready to change it? Start simple. Maybe as simple as picking up some grocery store flowers, or switching out some pillows from one room to another. How about using a
tray and gathering some of your favorite things on your coffee table. Stay tuned, hopefully the next few weeks will be filled with me sharing a renew energy in our home. Thanks so much for reading!