The week after I was able to journey around with my friend Julie, I headed to NH for my mother-in-law's 70th birthday. It was a tough job, but I was responsible, along with my sister-in-law to get her out of the house so the surprise could be put in place. So what is a girl do to but hit antique shops.
This picture is terrible, but I this place was so fun I thought I would try to show you anyway. I was able to get some great finds.

All of these signs outside were an amazing collection. He was "going out of business". However what I heard from locals was that he goes "out of business" every year at this time. I wonder if he would sell any of his signs?
We hit another place. Fun, WAY too expensive! These tubes are actually from an old textile mill and they had great labels on them. Again, very expensive.
These were out front, there was probably 8 of them. They were actually only $65 which was not too bad for the size. They were numbered bins from a textile mill as well. However, they were so big, I am not sure where I would fit one. 
On the ride up, my dear sweet husband let me stop at many different places along the way. I even embarressed my daughter by stopping for a great crate off the side of the road. By the time we filled up with my treasures, pumpkins and maple syrup, there was only a little room left for the four of us! It is a good thing I did not try to buy one of those signs.