Sometimes it is valuable to look back and see how far you have come.

I know my blog has gone through several phases over the last two years – and I have been fluffing and organizing for the last 6 months since the redesign.

The last thing I finished yesterday (with the help of Creative Kristi), was my project gallery.

As a result, I ended looking WAY back and remembering some of my first, but favorite projects that I thought I would share with you today.

Reflecting Back on Projects

From my project gallery…

Sheet Music Dress Form

sheet music dress form

This little post has been my biggest traffic generator from Pinterest – how to make new ornaments look vintage.

new ornaments look vintage

The only pillows I ever made, and I added a belt…

belted pillows

Where I keep my jewelry…

jewelry organizer

And my runner of thanks….

A runner of thanks

On my decorating project page, I looked back at…

This fireplace I painted for a client – please stop by for the before…

fireplace after

A mantel I worked on with my dear friend and Betty.

A Mantel for a Friend

And a client’s living room makeover – again, worth stopping over for the before.

Client Living Room

And, I am sorry – but Christmas is fully on my mind – so here are some project from my Holidays Gallery from Christmas past…

Our Nativity display…

nativity display

Christmas in our laundry room…

Christmas in the Laundry Room

And a favorite, although horribly photographed – a Santa pillow!

Santa Pillow

I hope you enjoyed stepping in my “way back time machine” today.

You can see all of these project and more on each of my projects, decorating and holidays pages.

And going forward, these pages will contain all of the new posts as well so it will all be grouped together.

Thanks so much for reading!

Reflecting Back on Projects
October 25, 2012 — Laura Putnam