Mother’s Day for me wasn’t your typical relax and put your feet up kind of day, but that was okay by me.

We met up with my family for lunch.

I mean, all of us.

You see, my parents are divorced and both are remarried.

I spent a good part of my growing up years with parents who couldn’t be in the same room.

Look at us now.

Mom and Richard (who by the way is doing fabulous!)

Dad and Sue. We have never all done Mother’s Day before, but I love this new normal.

It is not forced or done begrudgingly.

Everyone really does get along.

And for me to be able to give this type of family to my children is beyond words.

I hope this is all they ever know.

And although the day was about Mothers, I could not help but think about this man.

I have always said the best decision I have ever or will ever make is to choose this man to be the father of my children.

All that he has taught me about fighting fair, not holding a grudge, treating people fairly – he has made me a better wife, mother and person.

And my Mom, of course I had to thank her for all that she has done for me and the Grandmother that she now is to my children.

I think a lot about doing right by my children, I take my job as a mother quite seriously and want so much to teach them well.

And then there are moments when I realize that they have so much to teach me.I am 41 years old and don’t think I have ever sat on my Dad’s lap – I thought this picture was worth sharing.

I never would have seen this coming, but I am so thankful for our new normal.

May 15, 2012 — Laura Putnam