What do you think, is it possible?

I found this towel last week at Anthropologie.

anthro towelAnthropologie is not a store that I frequent as there is not one close by. So, when an opportunity presented itself I took it

In the above picture you can tell it is pretty, but let me show you a close up.anthrotowel2The details are embroidered.


Now, it was a splurge. But I figure I am better splurging on a $24 towel than a lot of other things that could get me in trouble! Plus, it is hanging on my stove and just makes me smile!

I am sucker for embroidery, always have been.

But lately I have been seeing more of this technique of embroidering the details on a patterned fabric.

It has me inspired to maybe try something myself.

Oh, and since I am gushing on towels, check out this lobster

anthrotowel3and Shrimp one. Seriously? The lobster and shrimp are crocheted!

Love. Love. Love.anthrotowel4I imagine you might start to see some embroidery showing up on my Pinterest page.

Have a great night!

January 31, 2012 — Laura Putnam