Finding 2013 – Doing!

So, here it is – the close of day one of 2013.
Kind of like fresh, thick snow – clean and pretty, no flaws from the year before.
I know I should be writing about all of my plans and my resolutions for this year.
This time last year, I was in full blown planning mode.
There was a giant poster board and diagrams. And then there were index cards broken down by month.
I am not exaggerating – I really did all that.
And a lot of the plans on the list were accomplished – not all, but a lot.
But this year, I will not be picking a “word” of the year, although I did love last year’s.
I love the idea, but nothing is really moving me.
There will be no poster board, no monthly index card lists.
Don’t misunderstand me. I have goals, lots of goals.
And plans, lots of plans.
But this year, I am not feeling less of a need to create a strategy – and more of a need to do!
I find my to-do lists get long – and sometimes I spend so much time writing the lists when I could have spent the time crossing some things off.
Just tonight I did three things that took minutes. They have been on my to-do list for over a month.
So there will be still be lists (mostly because my memory is terrible) – but the focus is going to be to DO.
I feel ready and excited to begin 2013 and all it has to hold.
I am ready for changes – even the scary ones.
I saw this, and thought it summed things up pretty well.
So how about you? Are your ready?
P.S. All of these images were taken at my in-laws home in NH – beautiful isn't it?