Fall Shelf Vignette

Nothing makes me happier than a display that brings together vintage and new items.
Vintage treasures make me giddy – like the beautiful wood of these mashers.
But seriously – can you believe this owl, he is vintage too – and those eyes!
Don’t you think he should have a blow pop in his mouth? (yes, that question dates me!)
And this fellow, while a little more serious, is just as sweet and lovely too. He was spied at an auction by Sunshine and she was so happy when he came home with us.
Just a little bit of vintage, a little bit of new - mixed with sentimental items make for the perfect fall display for our home.
And if you are wondering, the lettered tray is from Target years ago, the sheet music box was made by Sunshine for Christmas two years ago and the pumpkins are from various places.
I am sharing at...
Thanks for reading!