Catching Up
So, it has been a long time since I have been posting regularly.
Probably about a month.
Lots of reasons, some good, some just not getting to it.
So, here I am now trying to catch y’all back up.
I usually get the fewest responses when I share about life and personal stuff as compared to decorating projects.
That okay. But, if you are not interested in personal stuff, today is not the day to read! ;)
I find that I enjoy more and more reading blogs about people’s lives that I can identify with along with all of the amazing decorating and project blogs.
When I started my blog, it truly was and still is about FINDING HOME, but our journey is about all of it, not just the decorating stuff.
So, as I said from the beginning, I hope you enjoy being part of my journey towards finding our sense of home. Maybe something we are experiencing will strike familiar to you as well. Our home is the items we put on the walls, the rugs we put on the floors, the furniture we carefully select. But it also the people that fill the home, that sit on the furniture, who leave dirt on the rugs and who's laughter bounces off the walls.
I so appreciate all of you who follow my blog and hope that I continue to write so that you will want to continue to follow along with our journey.
In the midst of the last month, a lot of life has happened.
So, I am going to share in backwards order, collage style.
Thanks Paige for teaching me how to use Instagram, love it!

We crossed something off the Summer List and hit the American Museum of Natural History and spent some time in NYC.

I spent the 4th with my Betties…

Welcoming home our friend who was serving our Country and is now safely home. The sure are a lot of us now!
A little background that is cool and a little weird.
The four girls were roommates in college. 3 of the four of us married 3 roommates (the 4th Bettie married her High School Sweetheart.). What that means is that when I get together with my friends, they are all my husband’s great friends as well. And now, our kids are all becoming friends as well.
It is pretty cool and we feel lucky for it.

School and softball came to an end, both with a lot of rain and a lot of fun.

Peanut had a chance to do some new things…

Another family day was had that included spur of the moment batting cages even if we were in heels.

My baby girl went to the 5th grade dance. No worries, no date allowed.

Blondie Moved Up to 6th grade, which for us mean Middle School next year (and the early bus!)

We had an incredible “crop” of roses this year. When I was first recovering from my eye surgery, cutting roses and putting together arrangements was about the only thing I was capable of doing. My friends, neighbors and my girl’s teachers were the receipt of several arrangements.

But mostly, I really have been focusing on enjoying my girls more and more each day.
They are at such fun ages right now.
Not that all the stages aren’t fun, but they are in a stage of finding themselves but not yet really caring what other people think.
That in itself is such a beautiful thing.

Oh, and I have officially decided. I have always referred to my older daughter as Blondie because that is what she wanted to be called. But, I really don’t like it. It just doesn’t fit her and focuses too much on her appearance and not the wonderful person she is. Her real nickname is too close to her real name.
Anyone have any ideas for a new nickname?
Thanks for reading and I hope to be back soon, really!