Thanksgiving Table Printable – With a Sense of Humor

(If you are visiting for the first time from Hooked on Houses, welcome and thank you so much for stopping by!)
I like contrasts.
Mixing new with vintage.
Rustic with refined.
And formal – with humor.
Lets’ face it – sometimes the Holidays get stressful. There is so much to do and think through – and sometimes, pulling together your whole extended family can bring some tension to the room!
I don’t know about your sense of humor, but I love the idea of sitting down to a pretty and formal dinner table – and finding something to make you laugh.
Last week, I shared a more traditional version of quotes for Thanksgiving for your table – and today, I want to show you how to put a little sense of humor in.
All you need is the printable (the link is below), scissors, some ribbon, jute twine, napkins, a hole punch and a tag punch (or you could just use scissors to cut them out)
Step 1: Simple cut down the printed quotes to smaller sizes so they fit in your punch. If you do not have a punch, just cut them to a rectangle.
Step 2: Line them up from the underside of the punch – and punch.
Step 3: Punch a whole in the top and tie on a piece of twine.
Step 4: Tie on the ribbon to hold the napkin and then tie the tag onto the ribbon.
And you are done! If you want, you can mix the humor ones with the serious ones – keep people guessing!
To print this out, please go to this link.
Thanks so much for reading!