I love a mix and a contrast.

Vintage mixed with new.

Rustic with refined.

And so with that in mind, yes, you guessed it, I painted more things gold.

Actually, this was my first idea – the seed so to speak, and then it grew from there, and I kept going.

I know dried hydrangeas are already beautiful, but as seems to be my pattern this fall,I felt it needed a little zhush.

So, I spray painted them gold.

Not completely, just a little enhancement, a touch of spray, specifically Krylon’s 18K Gold Metallic spray paint.

Gold spray painted hydrangeas are pretty, right?

Oh, and you may have noticed in the picture there was a glorious contrast of rustic and refined – seeing gold spray paint on rustic wood makes me giddy.

I simply taped off the edges so the bark stayed pretty and rustic, primed it first so it didn’t absorb all of the gold paint. One coat of the same gold spray paint, and I was finished.

Seriously, what is more elegant, yet rustic and totally fall than gold spray painted wood?

I am pretty sure that concluded my sharing of gold projects this fall. But don’t forget, Christmas is around the corner!

Are you wondering what else I painted gold? Well there were pumpkins, and skeletons and acorns – oh my!

As always, thanks so much for reading!

I will be sharing at

Thrifty Decor Chick

fall linky parties

Gold Spray Painted Hydrangea

and at Jennifer Rizzo

Gold Spray Painted Hydrangea
September 27, 2012 — Laura Putnam