Sometimes I dig through my "stash" and I am intrigued with the items I have collected over the years. I have purged quite a bit over the last year, and truthfully, I am ready for another purge soon. On the other side of it, however, I am so thankful for the things that are still with me.
Like the side of an old crate.
I don't know where Upland Farms is other than in Peterborough, but it sure sounds like a happy place that I would like to visit. And every time I look at that crate, I smile a bit. I love what it says, I love the old wood and I love the graphics. If I were to make a reproduction crate, I would want it to look just like this.
Hey, maybe I should do that.

I brought out the crate as part of some recent easy summer kitchen & gallery wall updates. It is resting right on top of my vintage tray that I turned into a shelf. I love using a shelf like this on a gallery wall because it is so easy to change things out for the seasons or on a whim.

After resting the crate and a favorite canvas on the top, I added a small watercolor painting in two of the openings. I tucked in a small succulent in a galvanized container in each one and added a small lunch tin found in Paris many moons ago in the third opening.
I love that updating my gallery wall just took a few minutes. I tried a couple of other things and then settled on this. A change out of one other picture (using the existing hook) carried through the colors and style I was looking to bring for summer.

Updating your decorating doesn't have to complicated or time consuming. I simply switch out and tuck in a few things here and there and suddenly things feel a little fresher and brighter.

In the rest of the kitchen, I mainly updated the shelf above our stove by adding some blue glass jars and insulators and a vintage whale cutting board. I changed out the tea towel on the stove handle as well, but I think the biggest change is the sunlight finally coming through the windows after a very long winter.

What about you? What are your favorite quick and easy ways to update your home for summer? Days are so full and busy, I know everyone's time is limited to spend on decorating. That doesn't mean that your home shouldn't surround you with things you love.
If your are thinking about a gallery wall, you may be interested in reading
10Tips on How to Hang Almost Anything.

If you would like to see I decorated other rooms of our home for summer, you can click on our
Summer Home Tour.

Thanks so much for reading!