I have a really good post for you today.

In my head.

I will write it next week. Pinky promise.

Do you mind waiting? I hope not.

I am a Momma, wife, dog Momma, sister, daughter, friend, cousin, blogger, decorator and volunteer.

And some of the time, I manage the ebbs and flow of balancing it – and sometimes I don’t.

Sometimes my house is in a total stay of disarray.

Sometimes, my sweet Bailey Rose gets attacked by what we think was a groundhog and needs stitches, a full day at the vet, medicine and lots of extra love.

(She is doing much better by the way, thank you to all who sent her good wishes on Facebook and Instagram.)

Sometimes, the trees run so well and we get so much sap that this is our reality…

Accept that the order is off, sleep is definitely last.

So for all of you who may be feeling the same this week, I say let’s give ourselves a break and make this our philosophy for the week…


Oh, and a few weeks ago, I shared about how my younger daughter had an amazing experience with her school play and all that it taught me.

Well tonight and tomorrow night is my older daughter’s play. Would I be asking too much to ask you to say a little prayer for her that she walks away feeling like she did her best and had fun doing it?

Thanks – you guys are the best!

Wishing you a weekend filled with pie!


March 15, 2013 — Brad Mills