If you have been around here for any length of time, you might remember a project I worked on a few years ago. I created a separate website, asked several friends to get involved and shared it with the internet. It never seemed to get much traction, so I put it aside, but it never left my thoughts. So many times I have thought about bringing it back. Well, this time, I am ready to bring it back and it seemed like #GIVINGTUESDAY was the best time to do it. Do not be alarmed, I am not asking for any money, just a little bit of your time and consideration. And it is not for me. Let me back up a little bit. My favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life. Truly, the story touches me on so many levels. But at the heart of it, I believe there is one core valuable message - we all make a lasting impact on everyone around us. And the greatest gift you can give someone, is to let them know when they are making a positive change in your life. I know there are still a lot of people who have not seen the movie. So, let me give you a quick synopsis. George Bailey has the opportunity to view the lives of all of his loved ones as if he had never been born. He realizes that his life and actions positively impacted everyone around him and without him, the world was a very different place. Did you know that It's a Wonderful Life is actually based on a book called The Greatest Gift? Actually, the author, Philip Van Doren Stern wasn't able to get it published, so he self-published it and sent it out as a Christmas card one year. Somehow, it made it into the right hands and it was turned into It's a Wonderful Life. The rest, as they say, is history. That is why I have called this "The Greatest Gift Project". Think about the people in your life. Who could benefit from the "gift" of knowing the impact they have made in your life? Would you be willing to take a few minutes and write them a letter and let them know how you feel, let them know that they have made a difference, let them know that they matter? That truly is the greatest gift. It doesn't have to be your direct family, it can be anyone you interact with, a co-worker, the delivery person, someone at the local grocery store. If you really don't want to write a physical letter - go ahead, send an email, send a text. The whole point is let someone know how much they matter so the format really doesn't matter. Or slip a note to someone who might really need to read it. 

The Greatest Gift Project Re-Visited

What I would really love is to see this get a little traction this time, to spread the idea further than the first time. I would love to see it become part of some people's holiday traditions. I know it will be part of mine. If you decide to participate and would like to share it, would you be willing to share it on Instagram and tag it with #THEGREATESTGIFTPROJECT ? Or, if you are not on Instagram, you can email at laura@wordpress-563276-1891071.cloudwaysapps.com and I will share it. Thank you so much for your time and wishing you a great day. All of my best, Laura

The Greatest Gift Project Re-Visited
December 03, 2019 — Laura Putnam