Every Friday in our house is “Cookie Friday”.

There is even a t-shirt.


Almost every Friday, my daughter wears her Snoopy t-shirt with cookies.

FH Kitchen Hot Chocolate Station

She used to ask everyday after school if she could have cookies.

And my answer was always to have something more healthy.

But, she started to see a pattern.

FH Kitchen Hot Chocolate close up

On Fridays, I tended to say yes.

So, every Friday, when I pick her up at the bus stop, she always exclaims: “Its Cookie Friday!”.


At first, I was reluctant to get “locked into” always serving cookies on Fridays, but then I decided, what a great memory for them to have of their childhood.

FH Kitchen Cookies

My hope between now and Christmas, is to step up my game even more.

I even went so far as to create a hot chocolate “station”.


Because what is better with snowman cookies than hot chocolate?


And then, within the next few weeks – the baking begins!

Sharing at Craftberry Bush - stop on by, and...

The Shabby Nest

Thanks so much for reading!

November 26, 2012 — Laura Putnam