Hot Chocolate Station
Every Friday in our house is “Cookie Friday”.
There is even a t-shirt.
Almost every Friday, my daughter wears her Snoopy t-shirt with cookies.

She used to ask everyday after school if she could have cookies.
And my answer was always to have something more healthy.
But, she started to see a pattern.
On Fridays, I tended to say yes.
So, every Friday, when I pick her up at the bus stop, she always exclaims: “Its Cookie Friday!”.

At first, I was reluctant to get “locked into” always serving cookies on Fridays, but then I decided, what a great memory for them to have of their childhood.

My hope between now and Christmas, is to step up my game even more.
I even went so far as to create a hot chocolate “station”.

Because what is better with snowman cookies than hot chocolate?

And then, within the next few weeks – the baking begins!
Sharing at Craftberry Bush - stop on by, and...

Thanks so much for reading!