What started out as a few day visit to NH with their Grandparents, has grown into a week.

When I had to say goodbye, I whispered in my daughter’s ear, “I feel like you are taking my heart with you”.

It was really hard even though it was the right thing to do.

I had some very important things here that needed to be taken care of so I was unable to go with them and my husband’s travel schedule changed significantly so the other end grew as well.

We were both unsure if they would make, but mostly were pretty sure that I wouldn’t make it.

With the things that are happening around here, the best place for them this week was with their Grandparents, but it was really hard.

Yesterday, Peanut called, she had a rough night and was ready to come home.

So, today I will drive halfway to NH to go get my heart.

And I am really glad.

Enjoy your heart today.

Take care,


July 14, 2011 — Laura Putnam