Findings and 1 Year Younger
If you are like me, some of your best thoughts and ideas happen while riding in the car as a passenger and you are half asleep, or while you are in the shower. Well, the other morning, while taking a shower, I was contemplating life and feeling a bit overwhelmed that enough time had passed by and I was turning 45 next month. Seriously, when did that happen?
I may not have been an honor’s math student, but basic math principals occurred to me after a few minutes and I realized it was not possible for me to turn 45 in 2015 since I was born in 1971.
I AM NOT 44 ALREADY – I AM STILL 43!!!!! I just got a whole year back people! Seriously, for quite a few weeks, possibly even months, I had it in my head that I am already 44.
So now the question is what I am going to do with this extra year!? Seriously, I am giddy. Not that I really cared about turning 45, it is a blessing really, but I feel like some how I got more time. I attended a beautiful funeral this week for a friend’s dad. I know it is strange to say beautiful, but that is what it was. I left inspired to live a life great enough that my funeral would be so filled with love.
I also learned to take more pictures with my husband.
What is happening around the web….
I shared this on my personal Facebook page the other day, but have you read this? In Defense of Pinterest Moms
It is no secret that I love the writing of Ashley and she nailed it with The Peanut Butter Game.
I love what Diane did with these old door knobs – one of my most favorite things.
This could be my new go-to salad.
This is one of my favorite projects to get the clutter under control – pin it for later!
Do you want to build a snowman?
I have been wanting to start purposefully trying to attract cardinals to our yard. I am pretty sure my Grandfather knew some secrets and this why there were so many in his yard. He definitely had a birdbath, so that is now on my list. I found these tips, and I love that they are from someone named Grandma Pearl. Our biggest challenge is that we would have to put it quite high as we do have an issue with bears and bird feeders in these parts. (You can read all about why I love cardinals here.)
My older daughter has started running track this year and I have been trying to figure out useful snacks for her to bring to the long meets. I am thinking about trying this recipe to see what she thinks – cranberry orange date balls.
If you are still battling lots of toys on your floor, this storage box is the perfect compromise – still on the floor and accessible for the kiddos and contained and able to be tucked away for you.
I am totally envious of this amazing piece and one just like it is now on my “hunt list”.
When I bake, which lets be honest, is not very often, I love to find savory recipes. This recipe for feta spinach muffins looks amazing.
And while we are on the topic of savory spinach and feta recipes, this salad recipe is on the top of my list as well for quick dinners on the go.
Tonight we are going to a “farm to table” dinner at one of the orchards that sells our syrup. We are super excited to see what it is all about and hope that we love it enough to go more often. They host them every month. Do you follow me on Instagram? I will be sharing photos and some information tonight over there.
Speaking of following, if you want pictures and updates of the “sugaring process”, we are just heading into the season. Dana is sharing all things maple sugaring over on Twitter – you can find him at DPFindingHome. He even shared his first “selfie”!
I have lots of fun stuff coming next week including some pictures from my sister’s wedding, a beautiful company (and discount code) to share with you and…okay, I don’t what else I will be sharing, but fingers crossed it is something you like!
Thanks so much for reading!