Fall Home Tours Day 3 & State Pride Tour
How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch.
What did the tree say to autumn?
Leaf me alone.
You have learned something new about me today. I love a good old fashioned preschool joke.
Okay, enough of the silly jokes – today we have an extra treat because we will be visiting FOUR homes instead of just 3 of our fall home tours.
After the link I am also sharing two other fun projects so stick around!
Now lets get to the tour.
To make sure you don't miss any stops on the tour, start with house one here.

Gina of The Shabby Creek Cottage is another of the bloggers that are part of the tour that I have had the opportunity to meet. I am sure she doesn’t remember, but I gushed over her in the hall at the Haven Conference last year. She was as gracious and sweet as you would hope. Her kindness is only parallel by her non-stop DIY skills. She has worked to create every element and every corner of her lovely home with her own talent and skills. Be sure to drop by and see what kind of projects she has come up with for fall.
Our next stop is Jessica from Four Generations One Roof. Jessica lives in the most unique of circumstances – just as her blog says, she is living with four generations of her family. Anyone who lives with this many members of her family is guaranteed to have a heart of gold – and that is Jessica. Her style is beautiful, bright with clean lines and always welcoming. At every turn she is DIYing a project like a pro. Stop by to see how she pulled together her home for fall.
Jennifer of The Old Painted Cottage has a home that I have always loved and has been published many times. Her kitchen and dining area, in my opinion are iconic. She has developed a style that is elegant with vintage touches but still seems welcoming and comfortable. She is kind and generous and each month she features a beautiful home to share with the blog world. I can not wait to see what Jennifer has come up with for her fall decor!
Karen – The Graphics Fairy has been generously been sharing copyright free images for usage for quite some time now. I remember when I first found her blog, I was amazed that someone would do all that work and not charging. Of course, now I have met Karen and I realize that not only is she generous, but she is smart and super talented as well. Her home is an incredible mix of vintage, modern and industrial styles that result in the perfect formula for a beautiful home. Stop by to see what she has in store for us this fall season.
And if this week hasn’t been packed with enough fun, tomorrow I will be joining Beckie of Infarrantly Creative on her week long State Pride Tour. Stop by here to see the links to all of the projects.
On Thursday, I will be sharing my state art project!
And one last bit of crazy exciting news. Eek! I am beyond excited to share that I am going to be attending a workshop and party with Better Homes and Gardens on Thursday! It is pretty surreal to even imagine.
I, of course, want to share about all the fun with you all so if you follow me on Instagram, I will be sharing pictures throughout the day!
You can find me at LPatFindingHome
Thanks so much for following along this week and wishing you a great day!