A New Beginning
If you are visiting from a reader, come on in, we have a whole new look!
If you are joining me from findinghomeonline.blogspot.com, thank you so much for coming to the new site. Along the sidebar you will find the links to Join the Site as a follower, RSS Feed, Facebook and Twitter. Please come along for the new part of this journey.

So, after saying for a while that it was going to happen, the new logo and blog design are finally finished!
What was the hold-up?
Mostly Me.

I took these changes pretty seriously. We have long term goals for the business and I wanted to make sure whatever we did this time, stuck. Our last logo was beautiful, but short lived, it was too style specific and couldn’t grow with us. So, after a few different vendors, I finally found two that worked.
As far as the blog, I lucked out the first round. I worked with Patricia from Mira Belleza, which means “look beautiful”. From the beginning, I was happy with her designs and she was very instrumental in switching my platform to Wordpress. I think she did an amazing job and anyone would be lucky to work with her. If you are interested in contacting her or finding out more information, you can go here.
As far as the logo, I lost track of how many vendors I worked with. I just couldn’t seem to get the right momentum going. One vendor even fired me! The irony is, in the end, I ended up with a logo very similar to what I first started with. I just needed to go through the process to feel confident with the decision.
I worked with Designs by Melissa Starr for my logo. She did a beautiful job of interpreting what I was looking for and also has been extremely patient with all of my requests and changes. If you would like the opportunity to work with Melissa, you can contact here here.
So, lots of changes, but the important stuff is still the same and hopefully if you have already been following, you don’t have any problems. Please contact me if there are any technical issues!!!
I have been writing this blog for a few months, but I have not told many people in my day to day life about it. But today, that is changing, I will be sharing this post and inviting my friends and family to come on by. So, to my friends and family visiting for the first time, welcome!
If you are interested in seeing future posts from Finding Home, you can see on the sidebar that you can subscribe to my RSS feed, my Facebook page, my Twitter page or you can sign up for an email subscription for posts to be sent directly to your email.
So, a new beginning starts and I thank everyone who has and continues to support me on this journey.
Have a great week!