A Major Change in Our Journey

I have written this post in my mind for a very long time.
Usually, when I write a post – I take pictures, edit the pictures, import them into the post and then I begin to fill in the words.
But this post, is about the words.
We have had a big change in our house. It is one that won’t make sense to most people, but that is okay.
Last week, my husband quit his very stable, well paying job of 14 years with a great company.
And he doesn’t have another job lined up.
This was a move that was years in the making and preparing for. It was months in implementing.
There are a lot of things that have happened with his company in the last 6 months that made the choice almost crystal clear. But still as muddy as can be.
But that is not what it is about in the big picture. In the big picture, we are choosing to take our life in a different direction.
We are choosing to get him off a plane to Asia and Europe so many times we lost count.
We are choosing to not let the stresses of the corporate schedule take so much of him.
He recently calculated that he has missed three years of Sunshine’s life in a hotel or on a plane. She is only 12.
In 5 years, she will be in college and our time with her living with us will most likely be over, and Peanut is right behind her.
This is a decision we have discussed for years, but neither of us felt comfortable or that it was the right time. And it wasn’t.
But at the start of this year, I felt a calm and stillness move into my heart. I knew this was the year. I knew I was ready. I just had to wait for him to be ready.
Since there are so many things that are unknown for us, I am going to trying to focus on what I do know.
I know…
I know…that he will lie by my side every single night. We have been married for almost 19 years and that has never been the case.
I know…that my children will be so much happier with their Dad home. As much as he has been gone, he has still developed an amazing relationship with our daughters. It will only get better from here. I have always said the best decision I have ever made was choosing him to be the father of my children.
I know…that he is the hardest working person I know. I traveled on a short trip this spring and the whole time I kept asking myself “How does he do this?”. It is amazing what he has done for the past 14 years in providing for our family. I knew that his current job was so all consuming it was too difficult to see beyond it to what was next. He is not looking to just jump to another company with the same type of job. I know, with time and prayers, he will figure out what is next.
I am going to brag for a bit – my husband is unique. He grew up on a dairy farm raised with incredible principals from incredible parents. Then he went on to get his PHD in Animal Science. Then he went on to grow an extremely successful business division. He has the morality, science knowledge and business ability all wrapped up in one. The gracious and kind words that have been shared with him from the people he has worked with near and far have overwhelmed him. They have been no surprise to me. He is truly a good man.
I know…it is not going to be easy. Even just the basics of our day to day are going to be an adjustment. I am used to doing things my way. I am used to doing things alone. That is okay, I choose him over easy.
I know…we have planned for this financially and we are prepared. But prepared on paper is very different than the reality. It is going to be adjustment. There will be new budgets and things to say no to. That is okay, I choose him over easy.
I know…most importantly, that God will guide us and help us. I know that the calmness and peace that I still feel was place by Him. I know that even if we fall flat our on faces, this is still the right decision.
I know…we are going to spend the summer working on projects around the house and getting to some things we never had the time for (maybe our office will finally get finished now that there will be two people in it full time!). We are going to take day trips and long trips. We are going to spend time together as a family and regroup.
I know…that I am not going to have to manage the schedule of getting two girls to intensive All-Star practices and games alone. Can I get an A to the MEN?
And for the time being, Dana Putnam will be an active partner of Finding Home. Maybe I can even get him to write a post or two? I hope you will join me in welcoming him to the world of blogging and interior design.

As always, thank you for all of your kindness and friendship here in the blogging world. Having this creative outlet through all the business of these last years as been truly a gift. I have so appreciated making friendships and connections and look forward to many more.
Thanks for reading!
If you are wondering what happened next - visit here.
P.S. The bracelet in the first picture is from Farmgirl Paints