Maplefest 2024 will happen over 2 weekends this year. Join us March 16 & 17 and March 23 & 24.

Hours each day will run from 8 am to 6 pm. Our cafe will be open with our full menu along with maple specials each weekend. We will have maple tastings, demos, maple cotton candy and more.


Maple Demos - 9AM, 11AM, 1PM & 3PM

Our maple farmer, Dana, will explain and show how we make maple syrup. Try maple sap, try maple syrup, head out to a tree to learn even more. Some activities will be weather dependent and proper clothing and shoes are highly recommended. No tickets or reservation needed.

Story Time - 10AM

Join Laura in the sugarhouse for a story about making maple syrup. Suggested for pre-school & elementary school aged children.

2PM - 5 PM - Live Music (Saturdays only)

Scavenger Hunt - Join us all day for a self-guided scavenger hunt.

Open House till 4PM in the sugarhouse

Cafe & Market open till 6, Sugarhouse closes at 4pm.

Continue to check back here for more details as we get closer to the event.