A Tribute to Our Sweet Bailey Rose
Fair warning - you will go and hug your pets or your friends' pets when you finish reading this post. I am so heart broken to share that last week we lost our great love - Bailey Rose. Without going into too much detail, we did everything we could to save her, but cancer took her. It all happened so fast that it is still so hard to grasp. She was my first dog. She was my daughters' first dog. She was Hannah's best friend.
She taught me about the purest of pure of unconditional love and companionship. I will miss so many things, but right now what I am missing the most is the sound of her sliding her feet across the wood floor to lay down and then when she was about half way there, she would drop to the ground. I miss the sounds of her paws walking across the wood floors. I swear I still hear it sometimes. I miss her waiting for me to go to bed at night before going upstairs and even when I would start to head up, she would stop half way to make sure I was behind her. I miss that when you pet her, she leaned her head right into you as her version of a hug. I miss her rolling on her back and playing with her favorite red ball while she made hilarious sounds. I will miss her playing with Hannah Mae, and Hannah misses her so.
If she was here right now I would be spoiling her to no end. I would sleep on the floor if she needed to sleep on my bed. I would just love to have a few more days with her. But I know that is not how it works. So instead, I ask you to spoil and love on your furry friends in memory of Bailey Rose. Maybe give them a little extra attention and a couple of extra treats. Trust me, you will not regret the extra love when they are gone. Our hearts are truly broken, but we are so thankful for the almost 9 years we did get with her. She was an amazing dog and best friends to us all. Thanks so much for reading.