Today I want to share with you another quick and easy 10 minute decorating idea - because sometimes that is all we have time for! This time, I have made a yardstick tray that was so super easy and really did only take about ten minutes.

And the best part, it is not just me.
The 10 Minute Decorating series now has several partners in crime. Each month, another blogger will share their ideas too. This month, it is my fabulous friend
KariAnne over at Thistlewood Farms. So stop on by and see her fabulous idea. Rumor has it, it involves rope and her bathroom…
And now back to our project. Did you ever go to summer camp?
I did. Actually, I was not really cut out for summer camp. They used tell me I couldn’t participate in “free swim” time if I didn’t take swimming lessons. That was fine with me. I had no interest in swimming in the lake.
You see, on the first day, something reached out from under the dock and pinched my heel. Freaked. Me. Out. I was perfectly happy with waiting on the rocks until “free swim” and lessons were over.
But, arts and crafts time I loved.
Once we made little trivets out of popsicle sticks. And that is pretty much how I made this tray. Falling back on my old summer camp skills.
Trust me, this one is super easy.
Materials Needed:
4 Yardsticks (I picked mine up at a local hardware store)
Trim (I used some leftover from another project)
Miter Box (one of my favorite tools –
you can find one here)
Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
Dark Furniture Wax
Sand Paper or
Sand Sponge
Step 1:
Cut each yardstick into two 14.5” sections (or your desired length). Place each of the pieces side by side and measure your width and cut three trim pieces to that length.
Step 2:
Line up all of your pieces in the pattern you want and then flip them upside down. Use your glue gun to glue the three trim pieces across the bottom.
Step 3:
Use a sanding sponge to take off any rough edges.
Step 4:
Cover the top, bottom and edges with a coat of dark wax and then wipe off any excess.

And that is it – you are finished. I used the leftover ends to make a smaller version as well.

And the best part, you didn’t have to take swimming lessons or have your heel pinched in the lake!

Maybe next week I will make candles like we made at camp. We dug a hole in the sandy ground and poured the wax right in to the hole, added a wick and when it cooled, dug it right out of the ground.

Or, I could sing you the camp fire song I learned too..
“When I was growing up, my best friend was a unicorn…”

Maybe not?
How about you just go visit
Kari’s project at Thistlewood Farms instead!
Oh, and one more thing. I wanted to share with you that Joss & Main is hosting a sale that is ending on 7/29/14. They are a great company with great offerings.
This sale is extra special as proceeds are going to Habitat for Humanity. Please stop by!
Thanks so much for reading!