FallChalkboardMantel.jpg Hello sweet friends. First off, y’all rock! Thank you so much for all of your support and feedback on yesterday’s post. It is always so amazing when you take time to respond and comment and I am so thankful for it. It doesn’t seem that long ago when I would write a post and there really was only my mom and hubby out there reading. Since there see to be a bit of interest in me sharing about the business, I thought there might be other things you might be interested in that I don’t realize. So, I thought I would open in up – ask me anything you want! I will answer as much as I am comfortable with in a future post. So hit me with it – what do you want to know!?

So now to what I have been finding these days… Kristin, from The Hunted Interior has shared her amazing take on a teenage boy’s room. Seriously, it is amazing. And, even more exciting, she is sharing it over at Domino as a new contributor for them. Go Kristin! So, when I across an awesome company with great items I love to share it with you. But when the are also using their company for good in the world, well that is even better. Go check out 25:40 Love. And how do not love this pillow?And if you are looking for a heart warming story, meet Rigby and Fitz. The adorable Jennifer from I Heart Organizing has her home tour all updated. I love the transition she shows from where they started to the beautiful home it is now. When I first started sharing 10 minute decorating ideas, the first project I showed was this tray and how I use to quickly update our kitchen. Well, it is of course, no longer available. But good news, they have a new version. And this time it has adorable gold handles. Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 9.44.21 PM Cute right? My sister got married a few weeks ago and it was amazing!! More on all that soon, but did you see our Creamy Maple Martini I shared right before Christmas? We served it as their "signature cocktail" at the wedding (who knew you had to have a signature cocktail now?) and they were amazing!

 That is all that is rocking my world today – enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading! Quickpen-Signature_edited-1

January 10, 2015 — Laura Putnam