Finding Summer At Home
In this part of the country, our kids are still in school till next week. And I can not wait till my girls are home! I am working my tush off this last week to get a bunch of deadlines met so that when they get out of school, we can all just breathe. This school year was rough and so much work for my kids. Any one else dealing with the changes of common core standards? We are all ready for summer.
Our summer is filled with camps, family visits and a trip to the beach. But mostly, I am really looking forward to slowing down and enjoying our time at home. I am so lucky to be able to work from home and have this time with my kids. We will use our time well, for really important things like dipping our feet in the pool. Last year, I only went in the pool one time and that is ridiculous. It will be different this year. And I will take every chance I get to enjoy my pretty little lights. Because, really, what is not to love about pretty little porch lights? They make me feel like I am at a campground for some reason. And I will take the time to watch my hydrangeas bloom. And I will hopefully remember to water my plants so we can continue to enjoy them through the whole summer. And I am really enjoying doing something I only let myself do in the summer – fiction reading. Nothing deep, nothing award winning – just good old fashioned fiction with a happy ending. Which, by the way, is my favorite kind. And I plan to do it under this blanket. And I have to tell you, this is not just any blanket. It is the perfect shade of green, super soft and just the right weight. My daughter tried to steal it from me last night and called it her “snuggie”. Sorry, sweet girl, but for this summer, this is Momma’s snuggie. Thanks so much for reading and wishing you a summer filled with cool toes, pretty flowers, twinkling lights, cozy blankets and your favorite kind of book. I am not the only sharing how I am spending my Summer at Home. Visit all of these lovely ladies for their ideas and stories.
Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post, but the blanket was provided to me by my sweet friend at Birch Lane. All opinions of my new snuggie are my own.

Wednesday, June 18th
Thursday, June 19th
Friday, June 20th
Saturday, June 21st