Easy White Sangria Recipe- Stone Soup Style

Do you know the folk story of “Stone Soup”.
I think the version I remember best was told with animals. Raccoons, squirrels, rabbits and deer all come together to create a yummy soup. The raccoon started with a pot of boiling water, and stones. He kept saying how yummy it was going to be and everyone came along and wanted some.
He said they could have some if they added something to it.
Within in no time, the pot was filled with vegetables galore and it was the perfect pot of soup to be shared with everyone.

Two years ago, I had ended up making Stone Soup Sangria with our neighbors.
We had all gotten together for a potluck dinner and I brought white sangria.
The next day, we were hit with a hurricane and we all lost power for three days.

We all were loosing food in our fridges and freezers so we pulled together for meals each day to use what everyone had and made sure no one went hungry.
This went on for three days.
And for each day, the sangria continued.
Each night more soda or sparkling water was added.
Each night more fruit was added.
Each night more wine (or whatever we found) was added.

And so we called it Stone Soup Sangria.

To make your own Stone Soup Sangria…
Step 1:
Cut up whatever fruit you have the appeals to you. For this batch I used apples, lemons, limes, peaches (my favorite in sangria), kiwi and blueberries. Almost any fruit will work. A friend of mine does hers with just berries and it is delicious. It is all about what you have.
Step 2:
Add a bottle of wine to the pitcher with the fruit and let it sit in the fridge for several hours. The longer it sits, the yummier it becomes.
Step 3:
Add some sort of sparkling soda. I used lemon flavored seltzer but you would also add Fresca or Sprite. Some people also add rum or vodka. I choose to use just wine, but it is a personal preference.
Step 4:
Add ice, serve and share with your friends. And if you don’t finish it the first night, just keep adding to it. The key is use what you have – or what your friends have and you will have the perfect Stone Soup Sangria!
Thanks for reading!