
I know I said I am still hanging on to summer and really I am.

But here I am with a Christmas post about the 12 days of Christmas signs.

What is wrong with me?

But do you see this sign?

12 Days of Christmas Signs (and a discount code!)

Did you see how beautiful and custom it is? How the strokes resemble a beautiful chalkboard and a stunning painting all in one?


And the font.

Did you see how beautiful the words are written? I am a lover of words. Of surrounding myself and my family with a reminder of what is important. And at Christmas time, what could be more important than this reminder.

That “S” makes me swoon and I don’t swoon very often.

And this song, it is one of my absolute favorites. In fact I am signing it now as I type this. Of course, I am learning this is probably one best sung along “with the music” for my voice.

But that is okay, no one is home but me and the dog.


When Tara asked me to be part of the “12 Signs of Christmas” and if she could send me a sign, how could I say no?

And then when I found out there was also an opportunity for you to get your own sign at a discount, I had to participate.

I knew you would forgive me for posting in August about Christmas when you saw how beautiful it was. I knew you would understand that these signs are all handmade so that in order for them to be done in time to be enjoyed at Christmas, you needed to start planning your order now.

And this is just one of Tara’s signs. Stop by her shop, Between You & Me and use the code FINDINGHOME to receive 10% off your order. This code is valid through November 15th. There are so many creative and unique signs to choose from.

But even more than how beautiful the sign is, even more than the discount code, I am so honored to work with Tara. I have always admired her work so much. I was tickled to my toes when she asked me to participate. And then when I saw the list of ladies I would be participating with, I felt even more excited.

I am in such great company for this project –stop by these lovely ladies’ blogs to see what signs they will be sharing over the next few weeks and to inspired by them…


A Rosy Note

My Sweet Savannah

Life In Grace

Simple Thoughts

Life in the Green House

Erin from Blue Eyed Bride

Lemonade Makin’ Mama

Holly Mathis Interiors

LLH Designs

Thistlewood Farms

Farmgirl Paints

Thanks so much for reading and wishing you a great week.
