Today, I am super excited to share our outdoor fall decorating with you! I am joining a bunch of other talented bloggers as part of the Blogger Stylin’ Home Tours that is being hosted by the superbly talented Lindsay of The White Buffalo Styling Company. bsht logo

If you are joining me from Shavonda’s blog - The Chronicles of Home – welcome and thank you so much for stopping by! the-chronicles-of-home

Oh, and if you have been around for a bit – stick around, there is a quite the little surprise at the end!

Okay, so now to my outdoors. Our happy home is making me really happy right now! We have done a whole bunch of work out here this summer and sprucing it up for the fall just makes me giddy.

The front beds are made from rocks found on the property that my husband built when we first moved in 14 years ago. But, over the years, they have fallen down and needed to be rebuilt. We also have a really long rock wall that runs the full depth of the property that was in really bad shape. We really wanted to DIY both of these projects, but after 10 years of not accomplishing it, we cried uncle. Then, we couldn’t even find someone who would do the project! When we did, they were crazy talented. It was father and son team and they rebuilt all of these walls old school – with a hammer and chisel. Could they be more gorgeous? Sorry, I know I am overly gushing, but this project was something Hubby really wanted to done and I am just so happy that he loves it. I had no expectations – so the whole project just delighted me. 

We also ended up having to rework the flooring out here and switched to an opaque stain and we are very happy with. This was all hubby’s work – he was like a dog on a bone, determined to get the porch back in shape. We spent so long with this front area just looking so tired, it is so nice to see it looking so welcoming. 

When I decorated the inside of our home for fall, I was more subtle ( you can find our inside tour by clicking here). When it comes to decorating the outside for fall, I don’t hold back. I am traditional and I bring in mums and pumpkins and changing leaves. Fall-Decorating-Ideas Even though I go all out, I still keep it simple and uncomplicated. Pulling all this together took me about 30 minutes including cleaning up summer decor. For the front door, I hung a grapevine wreath, tucked in some leaves and drooped in a mini pumpkin. I love the bright colors against the black door.

We have two black rocking chairs on our porch and I love changing that area up for the seasons. I filled a vintage crate with some mums and then brought in some pillows and a throw blanket. Truthfully, these pillows are really not outdoor pillows, but they are under cover and I would rather see them be used then sit in a closet. 

Nothing is simpler than just placing some pumpkins grouped together. I love getting pumpkins as soon as they are out and then carving them once we get closer to Halloween. 

Decorating-with-Mums And now, for the surprise. Do you see something in this picture below? On the left…

Your eyes do not deceive you. We have been very very busy. Wondering what this building is? 

All of the details are coming very very soon! In the meantime, the tour is not over. Head right over to Design Post Interiors for the next stop. design-post-interiors And if you would like to see the whole tour from the beginning, head here. white-buffalo Thanks so much for reading! Newpostsignature_thumb.jpg