Decorating Ideas


After all the Christmas decorations came down, I have left most of the home un-decorated and simple.


But, slowly, I have been pulling together a corner at a time – and this week, I worked on a corner in our dining room by creating a vintage door plate wall.

Decorating Ideas

I used French cleats to hang the door and an assortment of methods for hanging the plates. But honestly, the hardest part was picking the plates. I originally thought I was going to do a more formal display with transferware. As I started to pull it together, I found myself gravitating towards the more quirky options.

Hence, the odd little fish glue to the white plate…

Decorating Ideas

It reminds me of a good friend, and makes me giggle – and isn’t that what we should do in our homes?

Oh, and there is a cow.

How now brown cow?

And yes, there is a hand under the door knob.

I kind of love the way the door creates more presence in this corner. The table was already there, but I painted it green. The space was too small for a hutch to fit and the heater sticks out so that nothing solid works there.

The table was barely noticeable before, and now it is the perfect color to pull it together. Actually, when I posted the picture on Instagram before I painted it, my sister asked me where it was. I told her where it had been, for years, she had never noticed it.

It is painted with Vintage Market & Design furniture paint in Moss and topped with the brown ocher wax. I purchased it locally, but they can be found here.

A little paint can make a big difference.

And it makes for the perfect little spot to pull together a vignette in the dining room.

A stack of brown transferware…

A chicken wire cloche on a cake stand – with a plant and a shoe form.


Its a bright little spot in our dining room…

…and a little reminder that it’s okay.

If you are wondering where I got the plates from – it is a mixture of Marshalls, Homegoods, TJ Maxx and ones I already had. The “It’s okay” is from Anthropologie. It is not available now, but they have some great options now.

Have you ever done a plate wall?

If you would like to see more decorating projects, you can see them here

Thanks so much for reading!
