So You want to Build a snowman- Galvanized Snowman

Have you seen Frozen?

Didn’t Olaf make a great movie even better?

If you didn’t see it, Olaf is the snowman sidekick.

And then there is the song…

“Do you want to build a snowman…”

Well we did, but we decided to build a galvanized snowman.


After seeing our southern friends, despite the terrible road conditions, really enjoy the snow last week – I realized that we sometimes take it for granted.

It can be special and magical and fun.

Peanut-in-the-snow Sunshine-in-the-snow

And even though we really do already have our version of Olaf in our Bailey Rose…

It is a little more fun with our new mascot…um,err, I don’t have a name for her. DIY-Galvanized-Snowman Any suggestions? Fun-Galvanized-Snowman If you want to make your own galvanized snowman, just stack galvanized bins and the head is a maple bucket. Inside the bottom one is a smaller bin with a piece of plywood to hold the next one up. All the others are just fit on each other. I attached all of the bits indoors with hot glue before I brought it outside. Wishing you a day full of bright white fluffy snow – in all of the good ways and none of the bad! Thanks for reading! postsignature.png
February 07, 2014 — Anil Sharma