Catchy title right? But I have finally figured out the secret to getting your house clean. FrontPorchSummerDecorating_thumb.jpg When the do lists are long… When the laundry piles are high… When the outdoors are still sleeping from the long winter… The best way to get it all done and the list checked off is… VintagePorchDecorating_thumb.jpg To throw a party. Seriously, there is nothing more powerful, than a deadline of having a party. The to-do lists become laser focused and there is great contentment with each item you cross off. The shopping trips become super efficient because you are focused on what needs to be done to be ready. A few weeks ago, we threw a party. It was for my daughter and her friends, but we also invited the families of her friends as well. They were having their 8th grade formal dinner dance and we invited everyone here for pictures before, parents to stay for dinner during and then swimming after. Of course, I have to show a picture (or two) of my sweet girl all fancy for her first dance. IMG_8865 IMG_8933 It was a great night. But the best part was not that our home was clean and organized or that the to-do lists were smaller – although that did feel very good. The best part was that we opened up our homes. We didn’t keep putting it off, we invited everyone in. When we look back, we are not going to remember the to-do lists and the piles of laundry. We are going to remember when our family and friends gathered in our homes. OutdoorPorchTablescape_thumb.jpg And truth be told, the to-do list was not finished. There were piles thrown in corners. Our bedroom door was certainly closed. It doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be completely “done” to let people in. . So, what do you think? Should you look at your calendar and pick a date to invite people in? Or better yet, do a quick clean up and invite everyone in tonight! Don’t get caught up in wanting it to be perfect or done. There is no shame in closing a few doors! Thanks so much for reading. Newpostsignature_thumb.jpg
June 20, 2014 — Anil Sharma