A Feature Thank You!

I wanted to thank Whisper Wood Cottage for featuring my latest chalkboard update on her blog. If you haven’t been there before, it is pretty amazing and you should go...

I’m going to be in a parade!

No, not a marching band. Although, I will admit I once did play the big giant drum that you bang on both sides in a parade. And yes, I know...

If you take pictures with your smartphone…

If you post pictures you have taken with your smart phone, please watch this link. Maybe I am late to the party in knowing about this, but unless you turn...

A New Energy and a Little Tweet Tweet!

Good Morning Friends! I finally feeling pretty much full strength after our household battle with the dreaded stomach flu. If it does nothing else, it makes you so appreciative of...

Getting Caught Up and a Giveaway

To those lovely and patient ladies who I had promised some hankies to a bit back, they are finally on their way to you! Sorry for the hold up. Since...

The Quiet of Winter–Part Deux

Before I get to that, I would like to thank Tatertots and Jello for featuring the beautiful side table my husband made me for Christmas. Yesterday, I shared my winter...

The Quiet of Winter

Finally, everything is put away from Christmas. I know, it should have been done a week ago. My daughter came home from school today and said “Mom everything is so...

Thank You!

I just wanted to take a minute and thank Donna at Funky Junk Interiors for featuring my husband’s beautiful side table gift that he made in her sidebar. And thank...

Reaching 200 and An Auction

I went to my first auction for 2011 last night. There is another one tonight and one more on Saturday! But before I share about that, I would like to...

Chandelier LOVE

I have never shared anything from a catalog before. I figure, we all get the same ones anyway. But, when I went through the new Pottery Barn catalog today, I...

A Very Happy New Year to All!

So, after traveling for many days, we are finally back home! We missed out on our “day after Christmas hang out in your jammies day” because snow here in the...

Apologies to all of my New Visitors

If you have recently visited my blog and tried to move around to see what it was all about and you were unable, I sincerely apologize. It has just come...