Summer-Line-Summer-Sale I know it is not officially summer yet. I can't even believe it is still another week until summer starts. No matter though, we are in full swing of summer mode at our house. We finally got our screened porch set up and ready to use, the latest we have ever done it. We ate multiple meals out there and even had friends over already. I think we may just live out there this summer. After such a looooooong winter, I just want to be outside! Tonight, we are feeling like celebrating the upcoming official start of summer with a sale! Everything in the shop is 20% off from now until Sunday, June 21st at 8 PM EST. Just enter the code SUMMER20 to get 20% off your product total (sorry, this is only valid on new orders). Bring in some fresh summer scents, get some maple syrup for maple martinis (I have a new recipe in the works!) or get some hostess gifts for any parties or visiting you may be enjoying this summer. Speaking of hostess gifts, I love making the bag / wrapping part of of the gift. I put together a fun themed gift with our Farm to Market Tote. Myrtle Shopping ToteHostess-gift-Idea I included a farm themed towel set, the truck and camper cake topper, a fresh summer-scented candle and of course, some maple syrup. You could even add the truck and camper salt & pepper shaker to really work with the whole theme. How cute would it be if you added some fresh flowers or produce? Speaking of the cake topper, it is for more than just cakes. I love it in some planters on our back deck. Decorating Outdoors with Galvanized Planters No matter what you are shopping for, I hope you find some things you like! I worked so hard to bring together a great collection for our summer line and I am so proud that everything is made in the USA! What could be more summer than that! Here are the details one more time:

20% off your product order

from now until 8 pm EST on June 21st

Enter code: SUMMER20

Thanks so much for stopping by! Quickpen-Signature_edited-1