When I was growing up, Cindy and Cheryl across the street had every Barbie you could ever imagine.

And every car and house.

At least that is how I remember it.

Luckily, they let me come and play all the time.

To the best of my memory, I had three Barbie dolls – Sonny, Cher and The Bionic Woman.

I guess I was into TV Show dolls.

The Bionic Woman was my favorite because her “skin” rolled up to reveal her electronics.

(source – come on, you know you are making that running music in your head!)

If you are reading this post and don’t know who the Bionic Woman is, please don’t tell me because it will make me feel really old.

Having two girls, I thought there would be lots of Barbies in my life, but they were more of the dress-up clothes and baby doll kind of girls.

So, the whole Barbie thing was not my thing.

However, recently we went to the Toys’R' Us store in NYC Time Square and we had to go in the Giant Barbie Dream House, right?

Inside, this is what I found.

A Barbie World

If I were ever a Barbie, this is who I would want to be, a Barbie dressed in Pantone Color Swatches.

Does it get any better than that?

Do you think they make this dress in my size?


Earlier in the day, I did my job as a Mother and properly introduced Sunshine to what Anthropolgie is really all about.

A Barbie World

She gets it.

We dabbled in the clothing, but after the $188 pair of orange capri jeans she spied, we stayed in the home section to be inspired.

Hubby and Peanut waited in the courtyard outside.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

April 12, 2012 — Laura Putnam